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Kamis, 11 September 2014

Anda yang punya niat baik kan?

Dear love:
Patrick Berg <test@bloggingtip.net>
Mrs. Debra Lowe <enrico.stambuco@alice.it>
BLACKBERRY PROMOTION <kareem@globalaccess-eg.com>
Mrs. Jessica Nield. <iamfirstlinglady@gmail.com>
MR BAN KI MOON <office_bankim@aol.com>
bankmandiri-update <gdgg@grindio.com>
Mrs. Maryanne Jone <bvcxnmhg@aol.fr>
From Gen. Ray <raaxxodiernogen@hotmail.com>
and others
Please forgive me, that I was not interested with your offer. But if you want to give something useful, all right. I suggest you help donate school activities that I lead now. One of the activities my priority now is to build places of worship (Musholla / Masjid) RUHUL BAYAN. Its construction until today (12 September 2014) was only 50%, even though we've started since 2 years ago. If you are interested in it, please open the following link:
and you can donate your goodwill in our school bank account:
1 Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) - 0917-01-000511-50-5 account name: SMA Ruhul BAYAN
2 BJB - 0027240038100 account name: SMA Ruhul BAYAN Cisauk
3 BNI - 0297873328 account name: SMAs Ruhul BAYAN
But do not ask us to transfer the administrative costs to the accounts you give me, you who have money, right?
Well, hopefully the benefits and blessings. Amin Ya RABB

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